1. GPM Life
  2. Products
  3. Medicare Supplement
  4. For Healthcare Providers

Healthcare Provider Information

Important Medicare Supplement claim filing information

To expedite Medicare Supplement claim handling, billing guidelines established by CMS and communicated in MLN Matters SE0909 dated April 28, 2009 must be strictly followed.

  • GPM Life will not process Medicare payment estimates where Medicare has not made a final determination on the claim.
  • Only the "official" Medicare remittance advice or HIPAA 835 ERA should be used for supplemental billing purposes when filing a claim--Medicare's predetermination of benefits will not be accepted.
  • When submitting a Medicare supplement claim directly to GPM Life, use the following mailing address for our administrative offices:

GPM Life
P.O. Box 2679
Omaha, Nebraska 68103-2679

Or for claims questions, call our Claims Customer Service line at 866-865-7631

GPM Life products are available in most states for nearly every age.