- GPM Life
- Why GPM Life
- Ratings and Reports
Ratings and Reports
A.M. Best Company

- GPM Life is rated B++ (Good) by A.M. Best. A.M. Best's rating is assigned after a comprehensive quantitative and qualitative evaluation of a company's balance sheet strength, operating performance, and business profile. A.M. Best uses a scale of 15 ratings, ranging from "A++" to "F".
- Ratings are as of March 26, 2024. For the latest Best's Credit Rating, access www.ambest.com
- A.M. Best has provided ratings and analysis on Government Personnel Mutual Life Insurance Company (GPM Life) since 1954.
A.M. Best was founded with the mission to report on the financial stability of insurers and the insurance industry. It is the oldest and most widely recognized provider of ratings and financial data with an exclusive insurance industry focus.
Best's Credit Ratings are recognized as a benchmark for assessing a rated organization's financial strength as well as the credit quality of its obligations.
Strength and Stability
Since 1934, GPM Life has operated under a consistent philosophy: maintain a long-term view. This means that the company is managed to ensure it is viable and relevant today and into the future.
GPM Life is a Mutual Company--an insurance company that is organized as a mutual company is one that is owned by its policyholders. GPM Life does not report to, or share profits with, shareholders. Policyholders share in profits through policy dividends and elect the Board of Directors who oversee the management of the company. GPM Life is accountable to its customers and the strength of the financial statement demonstrates the commitment to that cause.
Statement of Financial Condition
December 31, 2023